Here are the award graphics! If you have been reviewed by us in the past, then you're entitled to download one of these graphics and post it on your site! HTML code is included, but it only works if you download the award and upload it to your server. Bad and Ugly graphics aren't posted, because anyone who wants them must be out of their mind! Also, graphics have been reduced to save space. Click on them to see them full-sized.

For winners of the GOOD award, use the following graphic and code:
    <a href=>
    <IMG SRC="goodsite.gif" width=256 height=154 alt="Good!"></a>
If you've been picked as NOTABLE, use this code and graphic:
    <a href=>
    <IMG SRC="notable.gif" width=264 height=161 alt="Notable!"></a>
If you have been listed as a Success Story, use the following:
    <a href=>
    <IMG SRC="success.gif" width=273 height=161 alt="Success!"></a>

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