October 1997
Sailor Jupiter
URL: http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/7228/SAILOR5.HTM
Creator: S'Jordan
Discovered by: Mamoru
Overall Rating: 2.33 Pans
You know,
I'm noticing that Sailor Jupiter seems to be the Senshi with the
best AND the worst pages out there! And this page is no exception on
the lousy scale! Firstly, the index page is BORING! It's all black and
white, and with the exception of the ring images, there are virtually
no images to be found! And the couple that the creator tries to put on
are broken! And the links to the images, links, and MIDIs start a second
copy of the browser, which gets to be a major annoyance! I also think
the info needs some work, so much so that it's almost a BAD page!
The repeated comments about "that moron Sailor Moon" get old fast.
This is
another Jupiter page that doesn't come close to doing her justice.
There is a multitude of Jupiter and Kino Makoto images on the web,
surely the creator could have found at least one or two to spice up
the index page with! There are broken images, and the Web Ring fragment
is at the bottom of pages other than the index. Web Ring fragments
only need to go on one page, so keeping to that would be good, because
they slow down loading time.
Well, I don't
know what broken images THEY'RE talking about, but even without that,
this page is still BUTT-UGLY! Mostly because it's BORING! Sure, there's
a background, but it's greyscale! Black, white, and grey are NOT exciting
colors! And WHY does EVERY LINK start a second copy of the browser?!
It's REALLY ANNOYING! And what's with all the comments in the image
gallery about "Lita, stupid pose!"?!?! I've seen MUCH stupider poses
than those! Like the ones I had to do for family pictures! This guy's
sort of trying, but not hard enough!
This page has
a really bad setup! There's no content on the main page, it's all in
a sub-page, Chibi-Usa's room! So why have the main page then?! I think
that this page has been ragged on before for this, because there's a
paragraph explaining that the content is in Chibi-Usa's Room. My tip:
When people complain about something, don't explain it, FIX it! And
the personality test is a waste of space! It would be so easy to say
"I'm tough and I like cherry pie, so I'm exactly like Sailor Jupiter!"
It's so heavily based on the same set of stats you see on every page
that only a total SM newbie wouldn't catch on. I guess the page isn't
THAT ugly, but that one problem about Chibi-Usa's room is enough to
merit Ugliness.
This page is
yet another victim of bad layout and broken images. The content is all
in Chibi-Usa's room, but the link to go to Chibi-Usa's room is microscopic
in comparison to all the other random junk on the front page. I would
strongly suggest moving the content to the main page, but if the
creator insists on keeping all the content in Chibi-Usa's room, then
make a bigger link! And also, there were quite a few broken images on
the pages, which is a major and very easily fixed problem. A lot
of our Ugly pages are borderline Bad this month, but the problems in
site construction overshadow the content problems.
I don't understand
why this person couldn't be NORMAL and put the CONTENT on the MAIN page,
instead of leading us through however many sub-pages in order to get
to the content! They could just as well call it Chibi-Usa's Room, and
ditch the main page ENTIRELY! And the broken images are all OVER the
place!!!! I've got another misfortune performed by a Moonie...this
page! Get some non-generic and INTELLIGENT content, and just re-do
the whole thing! PLEASE!
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